Monday, November 26, 2012

How to say "I love you"

I was thinking about this last night as I was laying in bed next to my boyfriend of 2 months. I felt the words dancing on the tip of my tongue, but I kept my mouth shut for fear of revealing them too soon. I know two months isn't long, but when you've done as many things and spent as much time together as we have, these two months feel more like 6. At the beginning, I was hesitant to enter a relationship with him, mostly because I acted so irresponsibly in my last relationship and I was still recovering from the consequences of my actions. But his relentless persistence to be with me led me to believe that he saw something rare and extremely special inside me. Perhaps it was simply the fact that we had not slept together and he wanted to be inside me, but for whatever reason, this boy was hooked. And I thought: “Why not? Let’s take this one for a ride.” So I did, and I still am. As it turns out, I love every moment I spend with him.

Between all the dinners, breakfasts, movies, picnics, parties, holidays, hikes, trips, and post-coital embraces, every so often I feel the urge to tell him something. And each day we spend together, with every smile and gaze we exchange, the urge grows stronger.

It’s a circular process.

It starts in my heart. I feel warmth. I feel safety and comfort in his presence. The safest place I can be is when his arms are around me. This feeling resonates throughout my body, and I express my gratitude through deep, passionate kisses and gentle caresses. This, of course, leads to further expressions of our affection and devotion to each other. And every time our bodies become one is just as beautiful and powerful as the last.

This physical connection solidifies the feeling in my heart.

Then the feeling in my heart travels to my brain. My brain has difficulty processing these seemingly irrational feelings. How could the brain do such a thing in the first place? The brain is responsible for thoughts, not feelings. Then a conversation begins. My brain says, “This cannot be love, for it is too soon.” to which my heart replies: “Love does not keep time.”

My heart wins.

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