Thursday, March 21, 2013

And I Fall

after the White Rabbit she went searching
for years and years she was looking
through the glass she found herself
through the hole she found someone else
who took her to the land Unknown
a land of wonder, far from home.

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Finally, I told my boyfriend of 6 months that I love him for the first time today. I've been trying to tell him for the past two weeks, but the words just wouldn't come out, until now. After spending a few consecutive days at his house cooking dinner, watching movies, and enjoying our spring break together, I knew it was time to let him know. We made peanut butter banana pancakes for breakfast, watched Good Will Hunting, and had a quickie before he went to work. As he was getting ready to ride away on his bike, I kissed him and told him to have a good day at work. He kissed me back and said "You too." I smiled, knowing what I wanted to say, I kissed him, but wasn't ready to say it. So I told him again to have a good day at work, then he kissed me long and deep, literally sucking the words right out of my mouth! As he pulled away, out from my lips came the most beautiful and powerful words ever imagined:

"I love you".
I've never seen such a magnificent smile on his face as the one that had just appeared.
"Really?" he asked.
"Yeah, oh yeah." I responded, breathless and elated.
With a smile still beaming on his face, and my head in his hands, he responds "I love you too." Slow and sweet, steady like the ocean of his calm being.

I love this man! The divine coupling of male and female, we have created an impenetrable balance of masculine and feminine energy. I have found the yang to my yin. He is the darkness, and I am the light. Our love is cosmic, it is not bound to the constraints of this earth. Our love expands outwards beyond the limits of time and space, and into the realms of infinity. We are the two halves, and together we make the universe. There exists such a thing as perfection, and together we have found it.

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Yes, I have envisioned a future with this man. Yes, I have envisioned marriage and children. Indeed, I feel a strong desire to bear his children. A manifestation of our divine love, I could not imagine a more beautiful embodiment. This is but a sweet daydream to me now, but dreams turn to possibilities, and possibilities turn into realities. I do not posses the knowledge of the overall success or failure of our love. Yes, our love could be immortal, extending far beyond our mortal years on this earth. Or our love could die like the rest of us, but even the sun burns out eventually. If ever I was offered an opportunity to gaze into my future, and take a glimpse at what is hidden from me now, I would deny that chance. After all, the Unknown is the excitement and enticement of life. The Unknown isn't to be feared, but embraced as close as your dearest loved ones. Think about it...

Good thoughts, and remember always to love.
xoxo molly

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